Concerned about access to physicians and health care in Alberta? You're not alone.

The provincial Government has promised change. It’s time to make sure these promises are implemented.

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Our Health Care System is in Crisis. Here is what we are telling Albertans.

    Albertans urgently need more family doctors and acute care specialists to provide comprehensive, timely healthcare they deserve.

    Alberta is falling behind other provinces in attracting and retaining doctors. Despite our relentless advocacy, we have yet to see the decisive action necessary to secure lasting change that our healthcare needs right now. The health care system has never been so vulnerable, even at the height of the pandemic.

    Family and rural generalist doctors, who are small business owners, are struggling to keep their practices afloat without proper support. Government has chosen not to act to implement a new payment model now that will stabilize clinics and ensure everyAlbertan can access a family or rural physician. Without the Physician Comprehensive Care Model, we will continue to see clinics closing and more individuals without essential primary care that is the foundation of the system.

    Meanwhile in our hospitals, acute care physicians face immense challenges. Without appropriate support to provide on-call and after-hours work, doctors are leaving 24/7/365 hospitals because they can’t afford to do otherwise. This pressure is delaying essential emergency services, surgeries, and specialist care—leaving the health of our communities at risk. Rapid access to acute care is vital, and we need swift action to implement doctors' recommendations to prevent further strain on our already overburdened system. The AMA provided government with the Acute Care Stabilization Proposal almost a year ago. There has been no response to our common sense and affordable solutions.

    Now is the time to ensure that government addresses the fact that family, rural generalist and acute care medicine are unstable and in danger. Doctors are unable to care for patients as they were trained – and so badly want – to do.

    We must work together to protect the future of Alberta’s healthcare and hold the government accountable for delivering the quality care Albertans deserve.

    For more information, check out the Alberta Medical Association at

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    There is a healthcare crisis in Alberta and we need your help to make sure acute care and primary care receive the necessary support and investment to keep putting PatientsFirst!